Brothers of the
Sacred Heart


New Necrology

Posted on by fsceditor

The Necrology of the Institute gives a unique insight into the history of the Institute and the people, the brothers, who brought it to life over these two centuries.

In 2021, an updated necrology was published. This follows a long-standing tradition of the Institute. Previously necrologies were published in 1934, 1938, 1946, 1950, and the extensive update authored by Brother Stanislaus in 1962, as well as another in the 1980’s.

This latest publication began a flurry of research by brothers across the Institute. It has resulted in a wide range of corrections and additions: to correct the civil and religious names of brothers, to establish the acts of birth and death more precisely, to clarify locations of death, and to find the lost. Those efforts over the past few years have resulted in major developments within the necrology and have also included the continuing addition of those who have passed since its 2021 publication.

We hope to consider a second edition around the bicentenary of the death of Father André Coindre, in May 2026.

This ongoing work of the general archivist continues today and we share the current state of the necrology with this story.

Brother Mark Hilton, Superior General SC

Link to the Necrology