Brothers of the
Sacred Heart


Father André Coindre believed deeply in the unconditional love of God. This belief inspired all his work, as preacher, founder of refuges and religious communities, retreat master and spiritual director. The Holy Spirit gifted Father Coindre with a spirituality and a vision of how we might respond to the needs of the young in his day and ours.  That charism is a gift to us and to the Church.

The Rule of Life of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart articulates that charism, that gift of the Holy Spirit, and its embodiment in our lives and work.

To be a member of the Institute today is to believe in God’s love, to live it and to spread it. (Article 13)

Christ pours out his love that must flow through us to others. (Article 2)

From this foundational conviction “that we have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us” (1 John 4:16), we understand our mission through a number of core principles. 

We are called …

… to witness to compassion through our words and actions.  Through respect, unconditional love, availability and personal attention, we seek to form each young person in our care.

… to trust in the ability of each young person to grow and develop, and to model forgiveness, encouragement, accompaniment and support in that effort.

… to build a spirit of community where hospitality, inclusion and shared Christian values create a safe haven, a sanctuary, where the young are welcomed wholeheartedly and can develop to their full potential.

… to form the whole human person, soul, body, mind, spirit and heart, and so offer a comprehensive educational program responding to the needs of the young, known for its academic excellence and focused on preparing them for all the facets of a life well-lived.

… to have a special concern for the poor and neglected, reaching out to those most in need of our care and providing the necessary services for their support and success.

Our great hope is to form young people in light of their eternal destiny and so educate young men and women to contribute in a positive way to the future of the society of which they are a part.