CPCF MEETING: Commission international for the promotion of the charism
Posted on by fsceditor
Rome, December 4 – 6, 2024
The CPCF is the Commission for the Promotion of the Charism of Foundational. It is composed of one brother from each conference and chaired by a General Councilor. The following brothers are members of the CPCF:
- Brother Stéphane Léon Sané (General Council). From 2025, Brother Carlos Almaraz.
- Brother Emilio Rodrigo (Latin America and Spain Conference).
- Brother Jean-Baptiste Ouedraogo (French-speaking Africa and Madagascar Conference).
- Ivy Leblanc (English-speaking Conference).
- Antonio López García-Nieto (North-South Conference).
Here are the topics discussed at the meeting:
- The development and follow-up of activities proposed for the 2026 celebration of the bicentenary of the death of Father André Coindre.
- Preparations for the SIR, session international on the charism of foundation, to be held in Rome from June 26 to July 15, 2025.
- The study of a new strategic plan for the commission, integrating the areas of the creation of the COINDRE charismatic family and the Cause of Saints.
- The transfer of coordination of the commission to Brother Carlos Almaraz, since Brother Stéphane Léon Sané will chair the new commission on Education.
The meeting ended with a meeting with the Superior General, who shared his hopes and wishes for the future of the commission.