A synod moment (Brother Mark Hilton)
Posted on by fsceditor
Those we know me well know that I often envisage the world and our role and faith through images. They touch me, as many people, at a level deeper than we can necessarily understand in the moment.
In the first session of the Synod, we celebrated Mass at the beginning of each theme at the Altar of the Chair, behind the main altar of St Peter’s. And walking in and out we passed a non-descript side altar. Up high within the side altar is an image of Mary, in ancient times “Madonna della Colonna”. After Vatican II, St Paul VI called her “Mater Ecclesia”, the Mother of the Church, and St John Paul II would place a mosaic of her on the façade of the Vatican to honor her after the assassination attempt on his life. It is a small image, an ancient fresco painted on a column of the first basilica on the site: a smiling Mary, a smiling child Jesus, crowned in honor.

She became my companion in those long days of discussion, dialogue and prayer.
Incorporated into the People of God by faith and Baptism, we are sustained and accompanied by the Virgin Mary, “a sign of sure hope and comfort” (LG 68), by the Apostles, by those who bore witness to their faith to the point of giving their lives, and by the saints of every time and place. (#17)
Of course, Pope Francis made sure an image of Mary oversaw the whole synod. One of his favorite images, Maria Salus Populi Romani, was ever present in the Synod hall. As part of our prayer experience, one evening the Synod members, alone, entered St Peter’s by the front door, and, reciting the rosary, slowly made our way through the basilica. We were so small in the enormity of this space, yet ever accompanied:
We see the features of a synodal, missionary and merciful Church shining in full light in the Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ, of the Church and of humanity. She is the form of the Church who listens, prays, meditates, dialogues, accompanies, discerns, decides and acts. From Her we learn the art of listening, attentiveness to God’s will, obedience to God’s Word and a readiness to hear the needs of those who are poor and to set out along the path. We also learn the love that reaches out to aid those in need and the song of praise that exults in the Spirit. For this reason, as Saint Paul VI said, “the action of the Church in the world can be likened to an extension of Mary’s concern” (#29)
When the second session of the Synod opened, the Madonna della Colonna had pride of place in a larger restored image of the icon before the Altar of the Chair. She accompanied me again during those days too. And so, it was no surprise when the final article of the Synod document turned to Mary, she who guides the way, always pointing us to the Lord.
We entrust the results of this Synod to the Virgin Mary, who bears the splendid title of Odigitria, she who shows and guides the way. May she, Mother of the Church, who in the Upper Room helped the newly formed community of disciples to open themselves to the novelty of Pentecost, teach us to be a People of disciples and missionaries walking together, to be a synodal Church. (#155)
And when the Synod drew to a close, Pope Francis gave a gift to every Synod member and facilitator, a Pentecost image with Mary at its center.

May Mary walk with us, now and always, as we seek to follow the Lord in the mission he shares with us each day.