Frère Jean-Guy Houle (François)
Brother Henry Gaither (Thomas)
Brother John Mayuka
Brother John Hotstream (Lucian)
Hermano Pascual López Jiménez (Modesto)
Brother Paul Gauvin (Camillus)
Hermano Carlos García Taberna (Carlos María)
Hermano Luis Jacinto Puelles Larrauri
Brother Angelo Js. Crifasi (Eldon)
Hermano César Edito Gómez Muñoz
Frère Romuald Picard (Hilarion)
Frère Charles-Henri Dionne (Laurentius)
Frère Hyacinthe Faye
Hermano Antonio Herrlein (Pedro)
Frère Jean-Louis Dion (Amédée)
Hermano Javier Frutos Fernández de Eribe Ortiz de Lejarazu (Francisco Javier)
Brother Ramon Edward Daunis (Ramon)
Brother Harold Thomas Greer (Vianney)
Brother William Boyles (Kenneth)
Frère Victor Ramanamidona
Frère Laurent Huckle (Vincent)
Hermano José María Ugarte Igartua (Claudio)
Hermano Luis María García Barrenechea (Juan Luis)
Brother Nathanael Mateka (Michael)
Frère Jean-Baptiste Hermet (Norbert < Guy-Thérésius)
Frère Maurice Labonté (Charles)
Frère Pierre-Lucien Raymond
Frère Gérard Joseph Spanneut
Brother Paul Hebert (Hilaire)
Brother Roland Ouellette
Frère Laurent Normandin (Maximien)
Frère Henri Gabriel Bayle (Marie-Gabriel)
Frère André St-Germain
Brother John Beaven Spalding (Christopher)
* 1941 ✝︎ 2023
Province of the United States
Brother John Beaven (Christopher) Spalding passed away at Mount St. Rita Nursing Center in Cumberland, Rhode Island (USA) on October 15, 2023 at the age of 82 years and 4 months (60 years of religious life). May his soul through the mercy of God rest in peace!